Saturday, October 17, 2009

my strenght..

by Mindy Carpenter

I remember his hands hard as steel,
But never was I without a meal.
He was with me throughout my childhood,
His love was unconditional, and he always understood.

A strong love I thought we did share,
But why did he leave without a care?
When he left, I was devastated,,
And a lot of times quite aggravated.

My father gave up everything he had,
Sometimes I think he must have gone mad.
This all from a wonderful man,
In my heart I just don't understand"


Mufidah said...

how nice this poem..
shima you must be strong to walk in your life..
i also like to read the poem..
i hope we can share our ineterest together next time...

Anis Hariz said...

Mindy Carpenter poem really2 touch poem in appreciating our father's sacrifice toward our family..
Reading the poem makes me miss my father a lot..
I admit that father is always beside our side in whatever condition we are..
He love us a lot but don't feel touched if they don't tell us that they love us..
This is because, fathers' love is wordless!!

Anis Hariz said...

Mindy Carpenter poem really2 touch poem in appreciating our father's sacrifice toward our family..
Reading the poem makes me miss my father a lot..
I admit that father is always beside our side in whatever condition we are..
He love us a lot but don't feel touched if they don't tell us that they love us..
This is because, fathers' love is wordless!!